The support and stability of the Buckwheat Hull Pillow has been understood in Japan for centuries where it is a common complement to the . The buckwheat hulls shift within the pillow molding the surface to the unique curvature of your neck, cradling the head perfectly as it aligns the spine. By keeping the spine in the neutral position and supporting the neck and head, the pillow relieves strain and stress in the muscles, and naturally opens airways, which provides an uninterrupted and more restorative sleep and can also help with neck pain, headaches, and snoring.
Our all-natural buckwheat hulls do not retain heat; their granular nature allows air to pass through and surround them, keeping your head cool during the night. Unlike many other pillow fills, Buckwheat Hull Pillows will not collapse or lose volume while you sleep,, providing sustained support for the neck, head, and shoulders all night long. This also makes Buckwheat Hull Pillows a long-lasting investment.
Our buckwheat hulls are hand roasted to insure their quality and longevity. Try microwaving or freezing your pillow (the small and minis) for a nice warm pillow to help relieve stress and aches.
Our Organic Buckwheat Hull Pillows come in a variety of sizes:
Standard/Queen (10 lbs. - 19" X 25"): this large pillow is designed to fit your standard/queen pillowcase and is perfect for both back and side sleepers. At ten pounds, it is a heavy pillow, but its large fill amount gives it a very malleable surface that allows it to perfectly mold to each individual.
Medium 3.5 lbs. - 14" X 20"): slightly smaller and more lighter than the large version, the medium size is our most popular. Great for back and side sleepers alike, this versatile pillow has many applications.
Small (2.5 lbs. - 12" X 16"): a great pillow for a variety of uses. It makes a terrific back rest, lumbar support, and even a travel pillow. Pair with the Mini Organic Buckwheat Hull Pillow for extra neck support.
Mini (1 lb. - 7" X 12"): this size pillow is most often used in conjunction with another pillow, often being placed just under the neck for extra support or even over the eyes.
All Organic Buckwheat Hull Pillows, except the Standard/Queen size, come with one in addition to the zippered inner case.
Do not attempt to wash any pillows that are made with cotton batting or wool batting. They may be gently spot cleaned with water and mild detergent if necessary, but don't try to remove them or put them in the washing machine.
The only pillows that can be washed are the ones only containing wool bolus and shredded latex.
Be sure to protect your pillow from dust, stains, and other containment's with a .

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